Price list

(As of March 2023)

Chiropractic care

New patient consultation – 1 hour

Chiropractic appointments involve taking a thorough history, examination, assessment and treatment if deemed appropriate to do so. Care is tailored to every individual patient.

Adult: £75.00

Children: £60.00

Follow up or maintenance care – 1/2 hour

Adult: £55.00

Children: £50.00

A treatment with Emma may include other modalities alongside Chiropractic including dry needling, massage, Emmett technique and Reiki. The Chiropractic technique used is the McTimoney Method.


A Japanese relaxation technique that promotes healing and wellbeing, it is performed with the client fully-clothed, it can be done hands-on and hands-off and sent over distance if necessary. Please note a 1 hour appointment is for new clients or those that need additional time.

1 hour appointment £60.00 

1/2 hour appointment £50.00

Emmett Technique

Emmett Technique is often used alongside chiropractic care, as is massage and medical acupuncture, but Emmett Technique can be used as a stand-alone treatment. 1/2 hour appointment.

Adult: £55.00

Child: £45.00

Realignment and Relaxation for Body and Soul

This appointment is tailored to each individual to promote relaxation and healing, it can involve Chiropractic realignment (if necessary), massage, Emmett Technique and Reiki.

1 hour appointment £90.00